Saturday, November 23, 2013

Week 0 - Day 6

Well this is definitely a day I felt like spending in a snuggie on my couch all day.  I resisted as much as possible though, I started the day off finishing a few letters and putting away some laundry.  I spoke with Adam yesterday and he intimated that he would have some time to call me this weekend since he would most likely had more free time.  Unfortunately, this lead me to make a decision about my plans today which I'm not super proud of.

I was supposed to go see one of my best friend's performance in NYC today which I said I would go see and had already purchased a ticket.  In the end, I made the decision to stay home, primarily motivated by not wanting to miss an important phone call and also motivated by the stack of dirty dishes and overflowing laundry hamper.  It's hard to have to say "no" to things sometimes, and I felt pretty guilty for the majority of the day, but in the end, I think it was the right decision for me and what's going on right now.

In my defense, I did not give in my snuggie hibernation, I did a lot of cleaning.  I hung up a new wedding photo that I had converted in to a canvas.

It's a blurry pic my photographer shot at our wedding and I loved the color and the outline of us, we almost look like a heart.  It goes really well in our purple bedroom.  It's a little crooked I think but it looks good, I think Adam will be able to help fix it when he gets back, the canvas is a little big for just one person.

My bedroom is pretty clean now too and whilst looking around my closet, I found THIS!!!

It's from Adam, it's a giant bulldog and he needs a name!  Suggestions?  He also got me an elephant which I named Armie.

Ultimately this was a very productive day, I also sorted through a bunch of our wedding stuff and put the keepers in a box to put in storage.  Perhaps I will leave the apartment tomorrow...

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