Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Post Graduation: Day 274

Another year come and gone.  Another year.  I must say, while I had many beautiful moments during 2014, it has definitely been a year of tremendous growth and some difficulties.  After an amazing 2013, I hope that 2015 will be a much more positive and positive year.  We have spent six months trying to grow our family, nearly succeeding, and now back to the drawing board again which has been very trying, especially for those who are lacking in patience.  This time has truly strengthened the bond with my husband and our marriage.  For that, I am grateful, I am blessed to have the most kind, understanding, patient, and supportive partner.  He has gotten me through this year.

I have not had a physical day planner in awhile, since iPhones can accommodate most of my calendar needs, but I thought this year I should revert back to this:

I have so much coming up in 2015, I love writing out daily to-do lists and making daily goals for myself to stay active and organized.  I have two major auditions coming up which will require a lot of preparation.  With so many possible changes coming, I need to stay focused.  For the first time in forever, I will be starting the New Year in the same place (geographically) as I will end it.  This is our home now, and I am so excited for what lies ahead!

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