Happy Thanksgiving!! It has truly been a day of things to be thankful. I have been MIA for a few reasons. Tuesday I ended up in the ER for stomach pain, for those of you who know me, know that I have a pretty high tolerance for that. I drove myself to the ER and surprisingly got in and got a bed right away.
I had the nicest nurse, PA, and doctor. Long story short to spare you the gory details, I am okay. I was diagnosed with an inflammation of my ileum in my small intestine. I know, lovely. It could be an acute cause or it could be from something more chronic. I have to go to the doctor to get more information. I'm on medication to heal this up and I have taken time off work as per request of my doctor to let myself heal. Thank goodness I did because the meds have been giving me some less than enjoyable side effects.
So I have been resting and trying not to move too much. I'm on a special diet now too, but luckily turkey and mashed potatoes were still on the menu. I should be good to go back to work on Monday. Never a dull moment here.
I got my phone call today! Fifteen whole minutes. My husband seems to be doing really well. He mentioned that he rolled his ankle and sprained it a couple of days ago but that it was feeling better. He mentioned that they did get a Thanksgiving dinner and he hoovered it in under 10 minutes so he must he eating quick meals. He also told me that he getting close to be part of the Alpha group in his unit, in terms of his physical achievements. I'm so impressed and happy that he's succeeding. He sent me a couple letters which I can't wait to receive which give me tons more details and hopefully I will get his address soon to send him my letters! I caught him up to everything that was going on with me as well.
I loved getting the phone call, but it was so short and it made me miss him so much more. It's probably the last phone call I will get until I see him next month. *Sigh*
I'm pissed because this whole intestine bullshit is halting my progress on loosing weight because of the stupid diet and I can't expertise or really exert myself much on these meds. So I may have to amend my list a bit.
Right now I am thankful for my family, for my husband, for the holidays, and for the wonderful ER folks who are making a difference every day.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Week 1 - Day 5
Monday, November 25, 2013
Week 1 - Day 1
Ugh. Woke up this morning with a stomach ache. Nothing to make a Monday morning more Monday, than feeling like garbage. If I had a sick day today, I'd take it, but I have no more time to take off. Thus I sit here, in pain, waiting for the chance to go home and potentially hit up an urgent care center around dinnertime.
This weekend was full of radio silence from my solider. I'm disappointed because he seemed to think he would have some extra time to call me and chat. Alas... nothing. I still can't believe it's only been a week since he left, it feels like it's been the entire month already.
It's pretty shitty to be alone when you're sick, even when you feel awful, and look awful, it's wonderful to have someone who loves you rub your back, make you some soup, and let you everything will be okay.
This better be a 24-48 hr bug, because I have a date with turkey on Thursday.
This weekend was full of radio silence from my solider. I'm disappointed because he seemed to think he would have some extra time to call me and chat. Alas... nothing. I still can't believe it's only been a week since he left, it feels like it's been the entire month already.
It's pretty shitty to be alone when you're sick, even when you feel awful, and look awful, it's wonderful to have someone who loves you rub your back, make you some soup, and let you everything will be okay.
This better be a 24-48 hr bug, because I have a date with turkey on Thursday.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Week 0 - Day 6
Well this is definitely a day I felt like spending in a snuggie on my couch all day. I resisted as much as possible though, I started the day off finishing a few letters and putting away some laundry. I spoke with Adam yesterday and he intimated that he would have some time to call me this weekend since he would most likely had more free time. Unfortunately, this lead me to make a decision about my plans today which I'm not super proud of.
I was supposed to go see one of my best friend's performance in NYC today which I said I would go see and had already purchased a ticket. In the end, I made the decision to stay home, primarily motivated by not wanting to miss an important phone call and also motivated by the stack of dirty dishes and overflowing laundry hamper. It's hard to have to say "no" to things sometimes, and I felt pretty guilty for the majority of the day, but in the end, I think it was the right decision for me and what's going on right now.
In my defense, I did not give in my snuggie hibernation, I did a lot of cleaning. I hung up a new wedding photo that I had converted in to a canvas.
It's a blurry pic my photographer shot at our wedding and I loved the color and the outline of us, we almost look like a heart. It goes really well in our purple bedroom. It's a little crooked I think but it looks good, I think Adam will be able to help fix it when he gets back, the canvas is a little big for just one person.
My bedroom is pretty clean now too and whilst looking around my closet, I found THIS!!!
It's from Adam, it's a giant bulldog and he needs a name! Suggestions? He also got me an elephant which I named Armie.
Ultimately this was a very productive day, I also sorted through a bunch of our wedding stuff and put the keepers in a box to put in storage. Perhaps I will leave the apartment tomorrow...
I was supposed to go see one of my best friend's performance in NYC today which I said I would go see and had already purchased a ticket. In the end, I made the decision to stay home, primarily motivated by not wanting to miss an important phone call and also motivated by the stack of dirty dishes and overflowing laundry hamper. It's hard to have to say "no" to things sometimes, and I felt pretty guilty for the majority of the day, but in the end, I think it was the right decision for me and what's going on right now.
In my defense, I did not give in my snuggie hibernation, I did a lot of cleaning. I hung up a new wedding photo that I had converted in to a canvas.
It's a blurry pic my photographer shot at our wedding and I loved the color and the outline of us, we almost look like a heart. It goes really well in our purple bedroom. It's a little crooked I think but it looks good, I think Adam will be able to help fix it when he gets back, the canvas is a little big for just one person.
My bedroom is pretty clean now too and whilst looking around my closet, I found THIS!!!
It's from Adam, it's a giant bulldog and he needs a name! Suggestions? He also got me an elephant which I named Armie.
Ultimately this was a very productive day, I also sorted through a bunch of our wedding stuff and put the keepers in a box to put in storage. Perhaps I will leave the apartment tomorrow...
Stuffed Animal,
Friday, November 22, 2013
Week 0 - Day 5
Some updates from my soldier! Of course, I MISSED his call yesterday!!! Major, major sad face. I must have read every existing army wife/spouse/girlfriend blog on the planet and all of them warned me to keep my phone on me, on the loud ringer, at all times, in case you get a phone call. The 90 minutes I was in getting a much needed massage, he called me right at the tail end, so in theory, if I had heard my phone, I definitely would have answered, despite the lavender, drugged state I was in.
Sidebar, if any of you are looking for a good Christmas present for me, I would love a lavender scented microwavable heating pad. I had one over my shoulders while waiting for my massage yesterday and it was heavenly. I highly recommend it.
So I missed the phone call, but I got an extra long text with some new details. He says that I should book his Christmas vacation transportation soon (which I sort of already knew and was told to wait by him and now airfare is all jacked up, but whatever) as well as a "bus" from the Fort to the airport. Not sure how that's going to happen, although I'm tempted to get him a limo... anyone want to go in with me to get him a limo?
He gave me the details of his pay, and told me that because he is a higher rank than most of his peers (he's E4), he's getting more responsibility and respect. I'm so happy he is getting leadership experience and thriving with it. Those of you who know my husband know that he tends to be more of a follower than a leader, however, he has the ability to command attention and command a room so his potential to lead is very great. With being a leader comes the fear of failing and making mistakes which is a big one for him so I am so thrilled that this experience will give him some positive growing points and help him conquer some of those fears.
I was also told that he would have more time to talk since he started official basic training TODAY! So yay for more phone calls.
On the home front, my house is getting messy. I always appreciated how he would be home to help with general apartment upkeep, but I'm really appreciating it now. The downside of trying to have a life (which I feel like I've been doing well so far) is I'm never home. As it is, my weekend is almost completely booked up.
Here's how I am doing with my lists:
Sidebar, if any of you are looking for a good Christmas present for me, I would love a lavender scented microwavable heating pad. I had one over my shoulders while waiting for my massage yesterday and it was heavenly. I highly recommend it.
So I missed the phone call, but I got an extra long text with some new details. He says that I should book his Christmas vacation transportation soon (which I sort of already knew and was told to wait by him and now airfare is all jacked up, but whatever) as well as a "bus" from the Fort to the airport. Not sure how that's going to happen, although I'm tempted to get him a limo... anyone want to go in with me to get him a limo?
He gave me the details of his pay, and told me that because he is a higher rank than most of his peers (he's E4), he's getting more responsibility and respect. I'm so happy he is getting leadership experience and thriving with it. Those of you who know my husband know that he tends to be more of a follower than a leader, however, he has the ability to command attention and command a room so his potential to lead is very great. With being a leader comes the fear of failing and making mistakes which is a big one for him so I am so thrilled that this experience will give him some positive growing points and help him conquer some of those fears.
I was also told that he would have more time to talk since he started official basic training TODAY! So yay for more phone calls.
On the home front, my house is getting messy. I always appreciated how he would be home to help with general apartment upkeep, but I'm really appreciating it now. The downside of trying to have a life (which I feel like I've been doing well so far) is I'm never home. As it is, my weekend is almost completely booked up.
Here's how I am doing with my lists:
1) Work out, work out!!
So far I am really sucking at this. There is a yoga class today at 12 pm. I will make an effort to do this today.
So far I am really sucking at this. There is a yoga class today at 12 pm. I will make an effort to do this today.
2) Write to Adam every day
Four letters down... waiting for an address to send them all, I will let those of you know if you want to send him something.
Four letters down... waiting for an address to send them all, I will let those of you know if you want to send him something.
3) Learn one new aria
0% complete
4) Audition for local community theater
There are auditions coming up in Chesnut Hill for some straight theater also I submitted for two local auditions via e-mail.
There are auditions coming up in Chesnut Hill for some straight theater also I submitted for two local auditions via e-mail.
5) Lose 8 lbs.
I'm going with too early to tell.
6) Finish decorating the apartment
Yesterday, a wedding photo I had blown up was delivered so I'm on my way...
Yesterday, a wedding photo I had blown up was delivered so I'm on my way...
7) Reorganize
8) Finish sorting thru wedding stuff
10) Finish EMS Continuing Credits
Completed another credit course yesterday. 4.5 down 19.5 to go...
Completed another credit course yesterday. 4.5 down 19.5 to go...
11) Finish designing this blog
Nope.Thursday, November 21, 2013
Week 0 - Day 4
I did not get a phone call from my soldier yesterday, poor guy had a headache, but I did get a lovely text and this gem of a picture:
That's my husband. He looks so severe to me, and I also got some pictures of his newly shaved head. Ick, not my favorite. He looks good in his fatigues though. So proud.
I'm feeling kind of melancholy today. I think maybe because this is our 2-month wedding anniversary. Luckily, I don't have a lot on my agenda accept a much needed massage tonight. Going to have to force myself to cook some kind of meal. I should probably add "don't get take-out" all the time to my list of goals, but I'm trying to be moderately realistic here.
After yesterday's post I got two more great Christmas bucket list ideas which I am now going to add to the list:
13) Bake Christmas cookies
14) Go ice-skating. (including getting my ice skates sharpened)
15) Make a gingerbread house (more to come on this soon!)
I have some great things planned for the weekend so I'm excited about that. I have also been very diligent in writing a letter every night. I'm trying to keep Adam up on some of the shows we watch but certain shows are a little complicated to put on paper. Maybe I should just print up a synopsis from somewhere on the Internet... cheating?
I also need to start writing my Christmas list to Santa.... I swear this gets harder every year. As a kid, it was the easiest list to write in the world, heck, I could start it in July. The only thing worse is trying to get my husband to give me a Christmas list. I'm hoping to get a letter soon with some ideas!
I'm feeling kind of melancholy today. I think maybe because this is our 2-month wedding anniversary. Luckily, I don't have a lot on my agenda accept a much needed massage tonight. Going to have to force myself to cook some kind of meal. I should probably add "don't get take-out" all the time to my list of goals, but I'm trying to be moderately realistic here.
After yesterday's post I got two more great Christmas bucket list ideas which I am now going to add to the list:
13) Bake Christmas cookies
14) Go ice-skating. (including getting my ice skates sharpened)
15) Make a gingerbread house (more to come on this soon!)
I have some great things planned for the weekend so I'm excited about that. I have also been very diligent in writing a letter every night. I'm trying to keep Adam up on some of the shows we watch but certain shows are a little complicated to put on paper. Maybe I should just print up a synopsis from somewhere on the Internet... cheating?
I also need to start writing my Christmas list to Santa.... I swear this gets harder every year. As a kid, it was the easiest list to write in the world, heck, I could start it in July. The only thing worse is trying to get my husband to give me a Christmas list. I'm hoping to get a letter soon with some ideas!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Week 0 - Day 3
The time after Halloween and before Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year. I love the crisp feel of the air as fall takes over for summer, the beautiful leaves changing colors, and the smell of winter with a hint of smokey bonfires and frosty dirt. Where I now live, on my walk back from the train, I get the most beautiful views of foliage that I never got living in New York City. You never really got that country fall smell either. Somehow, Fall in NYC is still amazing, just different.
Here in the 'burbs I feel just like a kid again with the feels and smells I grew up with all around me. This time of year is wonderful also because of the anticipation building up to Thanksgiving and Christmas. Not to say that I approve of all the over zealous Christmas marketing in NOVEMBER, but there's a certain something in the air that you don't get the rest of the year. Christmas and Thanksgiving seem to make the coming of Winter more bearable, cozy not cold.
This time of year is tricky with the emphasis of family and holiday spirit, it's a tough time to be alone, for anyone. Luckily, I am no where near completely alone and I have the wonderful support and kindness of my family, my in-law family, and friends to keep me company. There's something about an empty house during this time of year that is especially depressing. Of course Ebeneezer Scrooge hated Christmas, it's hard when you're all alone. Therefore, I plan to keep my spirits up, and enjoy as much wonderful holiday stuff as I can. Even if it's not 100% with my husband.
I was lucky enough to get a phone call from my husband yesterday when I was out to dinner and he sounds a little nervous but he said he was feeling much more confident today. He's adjusting to the new order and the way that all of the soldiers are responsible for each other. He had his physicals, dental and eye also, apparently he's more blind in his right eye, haha. He also got his uniform clothing, shirts, boots, etc. He's waking up and 4:30 am and working on drill formations. He hasn't gotten his official unit information yet, probably next week.
So here is my Christmas bucket list that I hope to accomplish:
1) Get a Christmas Tree
2) Decorate mantel shelf
3) Go see the Nutcracker Ballet
4) Attend a Christmas tree lighting ceremony
5) See the Macy's Center Light Show and the Comcast Holiday Spectacular
6) Visit the Holiday Garden Railway at Morris Arboretum
7) See A Christmas Carol at Walnut Street Theater (I bought tickets for us 12/21, shh don't tell him it's a surprise!!)
8) Make a Christmas ornament wreath
9) Sit by the fire and drink hot chocolate
10) Sing Christmas Carols
11) Volunteer and donate
12) Finish my Christmas shopping/wrapping before Adam gets home
I will probably add to this list as things get checked off (hopefully), but what is on your Christmas Bucket list this year? Is there anything important I'm missing?
Here in the 'burbs I feel just like a kid again with the feels and smells I grew up with all around me. This time of year is wonderful also because of the anticipation building up to Thanksgiving and Christmas. Not to say that I approve of all the over zealous Christmas marketing in NOVEMBER, but there's a certain something in the air that you don't get the rest of the year. Christmas and Thanksgiving seem to make the coming of Winter more bearable, cozy not cold.
This time of year is tricky with the emphasis of family and holiday spirit, it's a tough time to be alone, for anyone. Luckily, I am no where near completely alone and I have the wonderful support and kindness of my family, my in-law family, and friends to keep me company. There's something about an empty house during this time of year that is especially depressing. Of course Ebeneezer Scrooge hated Christmas, it's hard when you're all alone. Therefore, I plan to keep my spirits up, and enjoy as much wonderful holiday stuff as I can. Even if it's not 100% with my husband.
I was lucky enough to get a phone call from my husband yesterday when I was out to dinner and he sounds a little nervous but he said he was feeling much more confident today. He's adjusting to the new order and the way that all of the soldiers are responsible for each other. He had his physicals, dental and eye also, apparently he's more blind in his right eye, haha. He also got his uniform clothing, shirts, boots, etc. He's waking up and 4:30 am and working on drill formations. He hasn't gotten his official unit information yet, probably next week.
So here is my Christmas bucket list that I hope to accomplish:
1) Get a Christmas Tree
2) Decorate mantel shelf
3) Go see the Nutcracker Ballet
4) Attend a Christmas tree lighting ceremony
5) See the Macy's Center Light Show and the Comcast Holiday Spectacular
6) Visit the Holiday Garden Railway at Morris Arboretum
8) Make a Christmas ornament wreath
9) Sit by the fire and drink hot chocolate
10) Sing Christmas Carols
11) Volunteer and donate
12) Finish my Christmas shopping/wrapping before Adam gets home
I will probably add to this list as things get checked off (hopefully), but what is on your Christmas Bucket list this year? Is there anything important I'm missing?
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Week 0 - Day 2
Today is the second day since my husband of almost 2 months shipped out for basic training with the US Army. My husband is in his mid-thirties, an amazing singer, and is doing this so he can sing for a living with the army chorus. It's a fantastic opportunity, marred only by a period of absence during our newlywed period.
So far I have set for myself these goals for phase 1 of his basic training:
I really wanted to not only document the experience, to have something for him to read in addition to the letters I sent him, but also as a way to hold myself accountable to continuing to live my life and have my own basic training. I'm not going to just sit here and wait for him, he wouldn't want that. I'm going to set some goals, have some adventures, so he will be coming back to an even stronger wife.
My husband will be gone for 5 weeks, have a 2 week break for the holidays, and be off again for another 5 weeks.
1) Work out, work out!!
2) Write to Adam every day
3) Learn one new aria
4) Audition for local community theater
5) Lose 8 lbs.
6) Finish decorating the apartment
7) Reorganize
8) Finish sorting thru wedding stuff
9) Complete Christmas Bucket List
10) Finish EMS Continuing Credits
11) Finish designing this blog
As you can see, this blog is pretty rough right now. I'm working on it, I'm trying to come up with a cool design. So far this is what I've got, what do you think?
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©2013 The Barmy Wife
Yes, that's clipart and WordArt. Yes it's VERY rough right now, but I like the general gist. Me as the crazy, bouquet throwing bride, but I think I should have more stuff in the air, because we wives tend to have more than a bouquet flying around in the air.
I'm counting on you, Internet, for your company, advice, support, and keeping me honest as I start this new journey along side my incredible husband!
Goals Achieved Today:
Wrote 2 letters to Adam
Walked 1 mile today
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